Assessed report of the works for the construction of a regulation stop for the L76 bus line on Carrer Raval Roig in Torrelles de Llobregat.
The object of this assessed report is the definition of the actions necessary to carry out the works for the implementation of a regulation stop for the L76 bus line on Carrer del Raval Roig in Torrelles de Llobregat.
The actions are based on a series of “surgical” modifications to both the existing sidewalk and the roundabout, in such a way that the impact on the current urbanization and on the traffic circulation of its surroundings can be minimized.
The west sidewalk is widened in such a way that pedestrian accessibility can be guaranteed and the gap between the bus and the new sidewalk reduced to a minimum. A new canopy is also being installed and the existing section of pavement is being cleaned and repaved.
In order to guarantee accessibility to the stop, on the south side, the existing fords for pedestrians are improved and, on the north side, a new pedestrian crossing is enabled.
In order to guarantee the passage of traffic during the periods when the bus is parked, the diameter of the garden area of the roundabout is reduced, expanding the paved area for vehicular traffic.
Les actuacions es plantegen a partir d’un seguit de modificacions “quirúrgiques” tant a la vorera existent com a la rotonda, de manera tal que es pugui minimitzar l’impacte sobre la urbanització actual i sobre la circulació del trànsit del seu entorn.
En la vorera oest s’amplia de manera tal que es pugui garantir l’accessibilitat dels vianants i disminuir al mínim la bretxa de separació entre el bus i la nova vorera. També es col·loca una nova marquesina i es neteja i torna a pavimentar el tram de vorera existent.
Per tal de garantir l’accessibilitat fins a la parada, a la banda sud, es milloren els guals existents per a vianants i, a la banda nord, s’habilita un nou pas de vianants.
Per tal de garantir el pas del trànsit a les estones que estigui aparcat el bus, es redueix el diàmetre de la zona enjardinada de la rotonda, ampliant la zona pavimentada per al trànsit rodat.